WB Madhyamik Exam 2025 Schedule Released! West Bengal’s Class 10th exams start on 10th February 2025. Important subjects include First Languages, Mathematics, Geography, Life Science, and more. Check the full routine at wbbse.wb.gov.in. Don’t miss the dates!
Attention, everyone! It’s important to mark your calendars for the upcoming West Bengal Class 10th exams. The Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) 2025 schedule has been released by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE). Here’s everything you need to know about the exam dates and subjects.
Must-know Dates and Subjects:
- Monday, 10th February 2025
- Subject: First Languages
- Languages Offered: Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Modern Tibetan, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi (Gurumukhi), Telugu, Tamil, Urdu, Santali
- Tuesday, 11th February 2025
- Subject: Second Languages
- Languages Offered:
- English (if any language other than English is offered as First Language)
- Bengali or Nepali (if English is the First Language)
- Saturday, 15th February 2025
- Subject: Mathematics
- Tuesday, 18th February 2025
- Subject: Geography
- Wednesday, 19th February 2025
- Subject: Life Science
- Thursday, 20th February 2025
- Subject: Physical Science
- Saturday, 22nd February 2025
- Subject: Optional Elective Subjects
WB Madhyamik Exam Routine 2025 Link
Day | Date | Subject |
Monday | 10th February, 2025 | First Languages |
Tuesday | 11th February, 2025 | Second Languages |
Saturday | 15th February, 2025 | Mathematics |
Tuesday | 18th February, 2025 | Geography |
Wednesday | 19th February, 2025 | Life Science |
Thursday | 20th February, 2025 | Physical Science |
Saturday | 22nd February, 2025 | Optional Elective Subjects |
Important Exam Details:
- Timing: The examination will start each day at 10:45 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. The first 15 minutes (from 10:45 a.m. to 11 a.m.) are dedicated solely to reading the question papers.
Special Exam Conditions:
- Sewing and Needle Work: This exam will last for four hours and fifteen minutes.
- Music (Vocal & Instrumental): The theoretical part of this exam will be two hours and fifteen minutes long. The practical examination’s date, time, and venue (held only in Kolkata) will be announced later.
- Computer Application: The theoretical exam will be two hours and forty-five minutes long. Practical exams will be conducted by individual schools.
- Vocational Subjects: The theoretical exam will be one hour and forty-five minutes long. Practical exams will be conducted by the Sector Skill Council or individual schools.
How to Download the WB Madhyamik Exam Routine 2025:
To get your hands on the exam schedule, follow these simple steps:
- Step 1: Visit the official WBBSE website at wbbse.wb.gov.in.
- Step 2: On the homepage, scroll down to the ‘Other Links’ section.
- Step 3: Click on the ‘MP Examination Routine’ link available there.
- Step 4: A PDF of the schedule will be displayed on the screen.
- Step 5: View and download the WBBSE Madhyamik Routine 2025.
- Step 6: Keep a physical copy for your exam preparation.
Additional Information:
For further details on the WB Madhyamik Exam Routine 2025, students and guardians should refer to the official website of WBBSE.
Important Reminders:
- Ensure you know the dates and times of your exams to avoid any last-minute rush or confusion.
- Pay special attention to the duration of exams for subjects like Sewing and Needle Work, Music, Computer Application, and Vocational Subjects as they differ from the regular exam schedule.
- Be aware that the Board reserves the right to change the exam dates and times if necessary, and will inform all concerned parties in such cases.
Stay Updated:
For the latest updates and changes, if any, keep checking the official WBBSE website regularly.
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