Christopher Nolan One of the Promising Director in the World, His Movie Oppenheimer relesed now.

By Arun        July 22, 2023

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Signle Frame

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Oppenheimer Has an Big Expectations, Because Nolan Mentioned There Will Be No CGI in a Signle Frame.

First day Collection

Appart From The Victory of Making, In India This Movie Made A Huge A Mount Of Collection on Its First day.

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Oppenheimer's First Day Collection Estimated 13.50 crores.

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Thid Film Based on J.Robert Oppenheimer's Journey and his Achievments he Known as a scientist.

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Manhattan Project

He led the Manhattan Project Development of Atomic Bomb

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Father Of

J.Robert Oppenheimer Also known as Father Of Atomic Bomb's.

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Strong Theory

Nolan Alway Have Strong Theory of His Film,Thats the reason for his success.

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Bigest Movies

Oppenheimer Stands with Heavy Competition Among Bigest Movies Like Mission Impossible.

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Again Proves

Christopher Nolan Again Proves His Talent By Givivng Such a Movies Like Oppenheimer.

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Path of Success

Without Any Doubt Oppen Heimer Made His Carrer More Unique and It's Gonna Lead Him to The Path of Success.

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