Beyond the Horizon: Exploring the Enchanting Super Blue Moon of 2023

By M Raj- ESIC

Wednesday, 30 August, 2023

IMAGE: Pexeles

Blue Moon 2023

There is a Blue Moon in 2023, on August 31, around 8:37 PM.  It will be a Super Blue Moon,

IMAGE: Pexeles

Which means that it is both a Blue Moon and a Supermoon.

IMAGE: Pexeles

A Blue Moon is the second full moon in a month.

IMAGE: Pexeles

This happens about every 2.5 years, on average.

IMAGE: Pexeles

A Supermoon transpires when a full moon aligns at its nearest position to Earth within its orbital path.

IMAGE: Pexeles

This makes the moon appear larger and brighter than usual.

IMAGE: Unsplash

The occurrence of a Blue Moon and a Supermoon together is an infrequent event

IMAGE: Unsplash

Transpiring approximately once every decade. The next Blue Moon Supermoon will be in January 2037.

IMAGE: Unsplash

If you are in the Northern Hemisphere.

IMAGE: Unsplash

You can see the Blue Moon Supermoon just after sunset on August 30th.

IMAGE: Unsplash

In the Southern Hemisphere, you can see it just before sunrise on August 31st.

IMAGE: Unsplash

Please see the article below for more details.

IMAGE: Unsplash

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